key_dict = { "Document type": ["documenttype", "loaichungtu"], "Document name": ["documentname", "tenchungtu"], "Patient Name": ["patientname", "tenbenhnhan"], "Date of Birth/Year of birth": [ "dateofbirth", "yearofbirth", "ngaythangnamsinh", "namsinh", ], "Age": ["age", "tuoi"], "Gender": ["gender", "gioitinh"], "Social insurance card No.": ["socialinsurancecardno", "sothebhyt"], "Medical service provider name": ["medicalserviceprovidername", "tencosoyte"], "Department name": ["departmentname", "tenkhoadieutri"], "Diagnosis description": ["diagnosisdescription", "motachandoan"], "Diagnosis code": ["diagnosiscode", "machandoan"], "Admission date": ["admissiondate", "ngaynhapvien"], "Discharge date": ["dischargedate", "ngayxuatvien"], "Treatment method": ["treatmentmethod", "phuongphapdieutri"], "Treatment date": ["treatmentdate", "ngaydieutri", "ngaykham"], "Follow up treatment date": ["followuptreatmentdate", "ngaytaikham"], # "Name of precribed medicine": [], # "Quantity of prescribed medicine": [], # "Dosage for each medicine": [] "Medical expense": ["Medical expense", "chiphiyte"], "Invoice No.": ["invoiceno", "sohoadon"], } title_dict = { "Chứng từ y tế": [ "giayravien", "giaychungnhanphauthuat", "cachthucphauthuat", "phauthuat", "tomtathosobenhan", "donthuoc", "toathuoc", "donbosung", "ketquaconghuongtu" "ketqua", "phieuchidinh", "phieudangkykham", "giayhenkhamlai", "phieukhambenh", "phieukhambenhvaovien", "phieuxetnghiem", "phieuketquaxetnghiem", "phieuchidinhxetnghiem", "ketquasieuam", "phieuchidinhxetnghiem" ], "Chứng từ thanh toán": [ "hoadon", "hoadongiatrigiatang", "hoadongiatrigiatangchuyendoituhoadondientu", "bangkechiphibaohiem", "bienlaithutien", "bangkechiphidieutrinoitru" ], } def get_dict(type: str): if type == "key": return key_dict elif type == "title": return title_dict else: raise ValueError(f"[ERROR] Dictionary type of {type} is not supported")