from builtins import dict from common.utils.global_variables import * MIN_IOU_HEIGHT = 0.7 MIN_WIDTH_LINE_RATIO = 0.05 class Word: def __init__( self, text="", image=None, conf_detect=0.0, conf_cls=0.0, bndbox=None, kie_label="", ): self.type = "word" self.text = text self.image = image self.conf_detect = conf_detect self.conf_cls = conf_cls self.boundingbox = bndbox if bndbox is not None else [-1, -1, -1, -1]# [left, top,right,bot] coordinate of top-left and bottom-right point self.word_id = 0 # id of word self.word_group_id = 0 # id of word_group which instance belongs to self.line_id = 0 # id of line which instance belongs to self.paragraph_id = 0 # id of line which instance belongs to self.kie_label = kie_label def invalid_size(self): return (self.boundingbox[2] - self.boundingbox[0]) * ( self.boundingbox[3] - self.boundingbox[1] ) > 0 def is_special_word(self): left, top, right, bottom = self.boundingbox width, height = right - left, bottom - top text = self.text if text is None: return True if len(text) >= 7: no_digits = sum(c.isdigit() for c in text) return no_digits / len(text) >= 0.3 return False class Word_group: def __init__(self): self.type = "word_group" self.list_words = [] # dict of word instances self.word_group_id = 0 # word group id self.line_id = 0 # id of line which instance belongs to self.paragraph_id = 0 # id of paragraph which instance belongs to self.text = "" self.boundingbox = [-1, -1, -1, -1] self.kie_label = "" def add_word(self, word: Word): # add a word instance to the word_group if word.text != "✪": for w in self.list_words: if word.word_id == w.word_id: print("Word id collision") return False word.word_group_id = self.word_group_id # word.line_id = self.line_id word.paragraph_id = self.paragraph_id self.list_words.append(word) self.text += " " + word.text if self.boundingbox == [-1, -1, -1, -1]: self.boundingbox = word.boundingbox else: self.boundingbox = [ min(self.boundingbox[0], word.boundingbox[0]), min(self.boundingbox[1], word.boundingbox[1]), max(self.boundingbox[2], word.boundingbox[2]), max(self.boundingbox[3], word.boundingbox[3]), ] return True else: return False def update_word_group_id(self, new_word_group_id): self.word_group_id = new_word_group_id for i in range(len(self.list_words)): self.list_words[i].word_group_id = new_word_group_id def update_kie_label(self): list_kie_label = [word.kie_label for word in self.list_words] dict_kie = dict() for label in list_kie_label: if label not in dict_kie: dict_kie[label] = 1 else: dict_kie[label] += 1 max_value = max(list(dict_kie.values())) list_keys = list(dict_kie.keys()) list_values = list(dict_kie.values()) self.kie_label = list_keys[list_values.index(max_value)] def update_text(self): # update text after changing positions of words in list word text = "" for word in self.list_words: text += " " + word.text self.text = text class Line: def __init__(self): self.type = "line" self.list_word_groups = [] # list of Word_group instances in the line self.line_id = 0 # id of line in the paragraph self.paragraph_id = 0 # id of paragraph which instance belongs to self.text = "" self.boundingbox = [-1, -1, -1, -1] def add_group(self, word_group: Word_group): # add a word_group instance if word_group.list_words is not None: for wg in self.list_word_groups: if word_group.word_group_id == wg.word_group_id: print("Word_group id collision") return False self.list_word_groups.append(word_group) self.text += word_group.text word_group.paragraph_id = self.paragraph_id word_group.line_id = self.line_id for i in range(len(word_group.list_words)): word_group.list_words[ i ].paragraph_id = self.paragraph_id # set paragraph_id for word word_group.list_words[i].line_id = self.line_id # set line_id for word return True return False def update_line_id(self, new_line_id): self.line_id = new_line_id for i in range(len(self.list_word_groups)): self.list_word_groups[i].line_id = new_line_id for j in range(len(self.list_word_groups[i].list_words)): self.list_word_groups[i].list_words[j].line_id = new_line_id def merge_word(self, word): # word can be a Word instance or a Word_group instance if word.text != "✪": if self.boundingbox == [-1, -1, -1, -1]: self.boundingbox = word.boundingbox else: self.boundingbox = [ min(self.boundingbox[0], word.boundingbox[0]), min(self.boundingbox[1], word.boundingbox[1]), max(self.boundingbox[2], word.boundingbox[2]), max(self.boundingbox[3], word.boundingbox[3]), ] self.list_word_groups.append(word) self.text += " " + word.text return True return False def __cal_ratio(self, top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2): sorted_vals = sorted([top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2]) intersection = sorted_vals[2] - sorted_vals[1] min_height = min(bottom1 - top1, bottom2 - top2) if min_height == 0: return -1 ratio = intersection / min_height return ratio def __cal_ratio_height(self, top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2): height1, height2 = top1 - bottom1, top2 - bottom2 ratio_height = float(max(height1, height2)) / float(min(height1, height2)) return ratio_height def in_same_line(self, input_line, thresh=0.7): # calculate iou in vertical direction _, top1, _, bottom1 = self.boundingbox _, top2, _, bottom2 = input_line.boundingbox ratio = self.__cal_ratio(top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2) ratio_height = self.__cal_ratio_height(top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2) if ( (top1 in range(top2, bottom2) or top2 in range(top1, bottom1)) and ratio >= thresh and (ratio_height < 2) ): return True return False class Paragraph: def __init__(self, id=0, lines=None): self.list_lines = ( lines if lines is not None else [] ) # list of all lines in the paragraph self.paragraph_id = id # index of paragraph in the ist of paragraph self.text = "" self.boundingbox = [-1, -1, -1, -1] def add_line(self, line: Line): # add a line instance if line.list_word_groups is not None: for l in self.list_lines: if line.line_id == l.line_id: print("Line id collision") return False for i in range(len(line.list_word_groups)): line.list_word_groups[ i ].paragraph_id = ( self.paragraph_id ) # set paragraph id for every word group in line for j in range(len(line.list_word_groups[i].list_words)): line.list_word_groups[i].list_words[ j ].paragraph_id = ( self.paragraph_id ) # set paragraph id for every word in word groups line.paragraph_id = self.paragraph_id # set paragraph id for line self.list_lines.append(line) # add line to paragraph self.text += " " + line.text return True else: return False def update_paragraph_id( self, new_paragraph_id ): # update new paragraph_id for all lines, word_groups, words inside paragraph self.paragraph_id = new_paragraph_id for i in range(len(self.list_lines)): self.list_lines[ i ].paragraph_id = new_paragraph_id # set new paragraph_id for line for j in range(len(self.list_lines[i].list_word_groups)): self.list_lines[i].list_word_groups[ j ].paragraph_id = new_paragraph_id # set new paragraph_id for word_group for k in range(len(self.list_lines[i].list_word_groups[j].list_words)): self.list_lines[i].list_word_groups[j].list_words[ k ].paragraph_id = new_paragraph_id # set new paragraph id for word return True def resize_to_original( boundingbox, scale ): # resize coordinates to match size of original image left, top, right, bottom = boundingbox left *= scale[1] right *= scale[1] top *= scale[0] bottom *= scale[0] return [left, top, right, bottom] def check_iomin(word: Word, word_group: Word_group): min_height = min( word.boundingbox[3] - word.boundingbox[1], word_group.boundingbox[3] - word_group.boundingbox[1], ) intersect = min(word.boundingbox[3], word_group.boundingbox[3]) - max( word.boundingbox[1], word_group.boundingbox[1] ) if intersect / min_height > 0.7: return True return False def prepare_line(words): lines = [] visited = [False] * len(words) for id_word, word in enumerate(words): if word.invalid_size() == 0: continue new_line = True for i in range(len(lines)): if ( lines[i].in_same_line(word) and not visited[id_word] ): # check if word is in the same line with lines[i] lines[i].merge_word(word) new_line = False visited[id_word] = True if new_line == True: new_line = Line() new_line.merge_word(word) lines.append(new_line) # print(len(lines)) # sort line from top to bottom according top coordinate lines.sort(key=lambda x: x.boundingbox[1]) return lines def __create_word_group(word, word_group_id): new_word_group = Word_group() new_word_group.word_group_id = word_group_id new_word_group.add_word(word) return new_word_group def __sort_line(line): line.list_word_groups.sort( key=lambda x: x.boundingbox[0] ) # sort word in lines from left to right return line def __merge_text_for_line(line): line.text = "" for word in line.list_word_groups: line.text += " " + word.text return line def __update_list_word_groups(line, word_group_id, word_id, line_width): old_list_word_group = line.list_word_groups list_word_groups = [] inital_word_group = __create_word_group(old_list_word_group[0], word_group_id) old_list_word_group[0].word_id = word_id list_word_groups.append(inital_word_group) word_group_id += 1 word_id += 1 for word in old_list_word_group[1:]: check_word_group = True word.word_id = word_id word_id += 1 if ( (not list_word_groups[-1].text.endswith(":")) and ( (word.boundingbox[0] - list_word_groups[-1].boundingbox[2]) / line_width < MIN_WIDTH_LINE_RATIO ) and check_iomin(word, list_word_groups[-1]) ): list_word_groups[-1].add_word(word) check_word_group = False if check_word_group: new_word_group = __create_word_group(word, word_group_id) list_word_groups.append(new_word_group) word_group_id += 1 line.list_word_groups = list_word_groups return line, word_group_id, word_id def construct_word_groups_in_each_line(lines): line_id = 0 word_group_id = 0 word_id = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): if len(lines[i].list_word_groups) == 0: continue # left, top ,right, bottom line_width = lines[i].boundingbox[2] - lines[i].boundingbox[0] # right - left lines[i] = __sort_line(lines[i]) # update text for lines after sorting lines[i] = __merge_text_for_line(lines[i]) lines[i], word_group_id, word_id = __update_list_word_groups( lines[i], word_group_id, word_id, line_width ) lines[i].update_line_id(line_id) line_id += 1 return lines def words_to_lines(words, check_special_lines=True): # words is list of Word instance # sort word by top words.sort(key=lambda x: (x.boundingbox[1], x.boundingbox[0])) number_of_word = len(words) # print(number_of_word) # sort list words to list lines, which have not contained word_group yet lines = prepare_line(words) # construct word_groups in each line lines = construct_word_groups_in_each_line(lines) return lines, number_of_word def near(word_group1: Word_group, word_group2: Word_group): min_height = min( word_group1.boundingbox[3] - word_group1.boundingbox[1], word_group2.boundingbox[3] - word_group2.boundingbox[1], ) overlap = min(word_group1.boundingbox[3], word_group2.boundingbox[3]) - max( word_group1.boundingbox[1], word_group2.boundingbox[1] ) if overlap > 0: return True if abs(overlap / min_height) < 1.5: print("near enough", abs(overlap / min_height), overlap, min_height) return True return False def calculate_iou_and_near(wg1: Word_group, wg2: Word_group): min_height = min( wg1.boundingbox[3] - wg1.boundingbox[1], wg2.boundingbox[3] - wg2.boundingbox[1] ) overlap = min(wg1.boundingbox[3], wg2.boundingbox[3]) - max( wg1.boundingbox[1], wg2.boundingbox[1] ) iou = overlap / min_height distance = min( abs(wg1.boundingbox[0] - wg2.boundingbox[2]), abs(wg1.boundingbox[2] - wg2.boundingbox[0]), ) if iou > 0.7 and distance < 0.5 * (wg1.boundingboxp[2] - wg1.boundingbox[0]): return True return False def construct_word_groups_to_kie_label(list_word_groups: list): kie_dict = dict() for wg in list_word_groups: if wg.kie_label == "other": continue if wg.kie_label not in kie_dict: kie_dict[wg.kie_label] = [wg] else: kie_dict[wg.kie_label].append(wg) new_dict = dict() for key, value in kie_dict.items(): if len(value) == 1: new_dict[key] = value continue value.sort(key=lambda x: x.boundingbox[1]) new_dict[key] = value return new_dict def invoice_construct_word_groups_to_kie_label(list_word_groups: list): kie_dict = dict() for wg in list_word_groups: if wg.kie_label == "other": continue if wg.kie_label not in kie_dict: kie_dict[wg.kie_label] = [wg] else: kie_dict[wg.kie_label].append(wg) return kie_dict def postprocess_total_value(kie_dict): if "total_in_words_value" not in kie_dict: return kie_dict for k, value in kie_dict.items(): if k == "total_in_words_value": continue l = [] for v in value: if v.boundingbox[3] <= kie_dict["total_in_words_value"][0].boundingbox[3]: l.append(v) if len(l) != 0: kie_dict[k] = l return kie_dict def postprocess_tax_code_value(kie_dict): if "buyer_tax_code_value" in kie_dict or "seller_tax_code_value" not in kie_dict: return kie_dict kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_value"] = [] for v in kie_dict["seller_tax_code_value"]: if "buyer_name_key" in kie_dict and ( v.boundingbox[3] > kie_dict["buyer_name_key"][0].boundingbox[3] or near(v, kie_dict["buyer_name_key"][0]) ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_value"].append(v) continue if "buyer_name_value" in kie_dict and ( v.boundingbox[3] > kie_dict["buyer_name_value"][0].boundingbox[3] or near(v, kie_dict["buyer_name_value"][0]) ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_value"].append(v) continue if "buyer_address_value" in kie_dict and near( kie_dict["buyer_address_value"][0], v ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_value"].append(v) return kie_dict def postprocess_tax_code_key(kie_dict): if "buyer_tax_code_key" in kie_dict or "seller_tax_code_key" not in kie_dict: return kie_dict kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_key"] = [] for v in kie_dict["seller_tax_code_key"]: if "buyer_name_key" in kie_dict and ( v.boundingbox[3] > kie_dict["buyer_name_key"][0].boundingbox[3] or near(v, kie_dict["buyer_name_key"][0]) ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_key"].append(v) continue if "buyer_name_value" in kie_dict and ( v.boundingbox[3] > kie_dict["buyer_name_value"][0].boundingbox[3] or near(v, kie_dict["buyer_name_value"][0]) ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_key"].append(v) continue if "buyer_address_value" in kie_dict and near( kie_dict["buyer_address_value"][0], v ): kie_dict["buyer_tax_code_key"].append(v) return kie_dict def invoice_postprocess(kie_dict: dict): # all keys or values which are below total_in_words_value will be thrown away kie_dict = postprocess_total_value(kie_dict) kie_dict = postprocess_tax_code_value(kie_dict) kie_dict = postprocess_tax_code_key(kie_dict) return kie_dict def throw_overlapping_words(list_words): new_list = [list_words[0]] for word in list_words: overlap = False area = (word.boundingbox[2] - word.boundingbox[0]) * ( word.boundingbox[3] - word.boundingbox[1] ) for word2 in new_list: area2 = (word2.boundingbox[2] - word2.boundingbox[0]) * ( word2.boundingbox[3] - word2.boundingbox[1] ) xmin_intersect = max(word.boundingbox[0], word2.boundingbox[0]) xmax_intersect = min(word.boundingbox[2], word2.boundingbox[2]) ymin_intersect = max(word.boundingbox[1], word2.boundingbox[1]) ymax_intersect = min(word.boundingbox[3], word2.boundingbox[3]) if xmax_intersect < xmin_intersect or ymax_intersect < ymin_intersect: continue area_intersect = (xmax_intersect - xmin_intersect) * ( ymax_intersect - ymin_intersect ) if area_intersect / area > 0.7 or area_intersect / area2 > 0.7: overlap = True if overlap == False: new_list.append(word) return new_list class Box: def __init__(self, xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=0, ymax=0, label="", kie_label=""): self.xmax = xmax self.ymax = ymax self.xmin = xmin self.ymin = ymin self.label = label self.kie_label = kie_label def check_iou(box1: Word, box2: Box, threshold=0.9): area1 = (box1.boundingbox[2] - box1.boundingbox[0]) * ( box1.boundingbox[3] - box1.boundingbox[1] ) area2 = (box2.xmax - box2.xmin) * (box2.ymax - box2.ymin) xmin_intersect = max(box1.boundingbox[0], box2.xmin) ymin_intersect = max(box1.boundingbox[1], box2.ymin) xmax_intersect = min(box1.boundingbox[2], box2.xmax) ymax_intersect = min(box1.boundingbox[3], box2.ymax) if xmax_intersect < xmin_intersect or ymax_intersect < ymin_intersect: area_intersect = 0 else: area_intersect = (xmax_intersect - xmin_intersect) * ( ymax_intersect - ymin_intersect ) union = area1 + area2 - area_intersect iou = area_intersect / union if iou > threshold: return True return False