import os import cv2 import json import random import glob import re import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from pdf2image import convert_from_path from dicttoxml import dicttoxml from word_preprocess import ( vat_standardizer, ap_standardizer, get_string_with_word2line, split_key_value_by_colon, normalize_kvu_output, normalize_kvu_output_for_manulife, manulife_standardizer ) from utils.kvu_dictionary import ( vat_dictionary, ap_dictionary, manulife_dictionary ) import logging import logging.config from utils.logging.logging import LOGGER_CONFIG # Load the logging configuration logging.config.dictConfig(LOGGER_CONFIG) # Get the logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_dir(save_dir=''): if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) # else: #"DIR already existed.") #'Save dir : {}'.format(save_dir)) def convert_pdf2img(pdf_dir, save_dir): pdf_files = glob.glob(f'{pdf_dir}/*.pdf')'No. pdf files:', len(pdf_files)) for file in tqdm(pdf_files): pdf2img(file, save_dir, n_pages=-1, return_fname=False) # pages = convert_from_path(file, 500) # for i, page in enumerate(pages): #, os.path.basename(file).replace('.pdf', f'_{i}.jpg')), 'JPEG')'Done!!!') def pdf2img(pdf_path, save_dir, n_pages=-1, return_fname=False): file_names = [] pages = convert_from_path(pdf_path) if n_pages != -1: pages = pages[:n_pages] for i, page in enumerate(pages): _save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.basename(pdf_path).replace('.pdf', f'_{i}.jpg')), 'JPEG') file_names.append(_save_path) if return_fname: return file_names def xyxy2xywh(bbox): return [ float(bbox[0]), float(bbox[1]), float(bbox[2]) - float(bbox[0]), float(bbox[3]) - float(bbox[1]), ] def write_to_json(file_path, content): with open(file_path, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(content, f, ensure_ascii=False) def read_json(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) def read_xml(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as xml_file: return def write_to_xml(file_path, content): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(content) def write_to_xml_from_dict(file_path, content): xml = dicttoxml(content) xml = content xml_decode = xml.decode() with open(file_path, mode="w") as f: f.write(xml_decode) def load_ocr_result(ocr_path): with open(ocr_path, 'r') as f: lines = preds = [] for line in lines: preds.append(line.split('\t')) return preds def post_process_basic_ocr(lwords: list) -> list: pp_lwords = [] for word in lwords: pp_lwords.append(word.replace("✪", " ")) return pp_lwords def read_ocr_result_from_txt(file_path: str): ''' return list of bounding boxes, list of words ''' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: lines = boxes, words = [], [] for line in lines: if line == "": continue word_info = line.split("\t") if len(word_info) == 6: x1, y1, x2, y2, text, _ = word_info elif len(word_info) == 5: x1, y1, x2, y2, text = word_info x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(float(x1)), int(float(y1)), int(float(x2)), int(float(y2)) if text and text != " ": words.append(text) boxes.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) return boxes, words def get_colormap(): return { 'others': (0, 0, 255), # others: red 'title': (0, 255, 255), # title: yellow 'key': (255, 0, 0), # key: blue 'value': (0, 255, 0), # value: green 'header': (233, 197, 15), # header 'group': (0, 128, 128), # group 'relation': (0, 0, 255)# (128, 128, 128), # relation } def convert_image(image): exif = image._getexif() orientation = None if exif is not None: orientation = exif.get(0x0112) # Convert the PIL image to OpenCV format image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Rotate the image in OpenCV if necessary if orientation == 3: image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_180) elif orientation == 6: image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) elif orientation == 8: image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) else: image = np.asarray(image) if len(image.shape) == 2: image = np.repeat(image[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) assert len(image.shape) == 3 return image, orientation def visualize(image, bbox, pr_class_words, pr_relations, color_map, labels=['others', 'title', 'key', 'value', 'header'], thickness=1): image, orientation = convert_image(image) # if orientation is not None and orientation == 6: # width, height, _ = image.shape # else: # height, width, _ = image.shape if len(pr_class_words) > 0: id2label = {k: labels[k] for k in range(len(labels))} for lb, groups in enumerate(pr_class_words): if lb == 0: continue for group_id, group in enumerate(groups): for i, word_id in enumerate(group): # x0, y0, x1, y1 = int(bbox[word_id][0]*width/1000), int(bbox[word_id][1]*height/1000), int(bbox[word_id][2]*width/1000), int(bbox[word_id][3]*height/1000) # x0, y0, x1, y1 = revert_box(bbox[word_id], width, height) x0, y0, x1, y1 = bbox[word_id] cv2.rectangle(image, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), color=color_map[id2label[lb]], thickness=thickness) if i == 0: x_center0, y_center0 = int((x0+x1)/2), int((y0+y1)/2) else: x_center1, y_center1 = int((x0+x1)/2), int((y0+y1)/2) cv2.line(image, (x_center0, y_center0), (x_center1, y_center1), color=color_map['group'], thickness=thickness) x_center0, y_center0 = x_center1, y_center1 if len(pr_relations) > 0: for pair in pr_relations: # xyxy0 = int(bbox[pair[0]][0]*width/1000), int(bbox[pair[0]][1]*height/1000), int(bbox[pair[0]][2]*width/1000), int(bbox[pair[0]][3]*height/1000) # xyxy1 = int(bbox[pair[1]][0]*width/1000), int(bbox[pair[1]][1]*height/1000), int(bbox[pair[1]][2]*width/1000), int(bbox[pair[1]][3]*height/1000) # xyxy0 = revert_box(bbox[pair[0]], width, height) # xyxy1 = revert_box(bbox[pair[1]], width, height) xyxy0 = bbox[pair[0]] xyxy1 = bbox[pair[1]] x_center0, y_center0 = int((xyxy0[0] + xyxy0[2])/2), int((xyxy0[1] + xyxy0[3])/2) x_center1, y_center1 = int((xyxy1[0] + xyxy1[2])/2), int((xyxy1[1] + xyxy1[3])/2) cv2.line(image, (x_center0, y_center0), (x_center1, y_center1), color=color_map['relation'], thickness=thickness) return image def revert_box(box, width, height): return [ int((box[0] / 1000) * width), int((box[1] / 1000) * height), int((box[2] / 1000) * width), int((box[3] / 1000) * height) ] def get_wordgroup_bbox(lbbox: list, lword_ids: list) -> list: points = [lbbox[i] for i in lword_ids] x_min, y_min = min(points, key=lambda x: x[0])[0], min(points, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] x_max, y_max = max(points, key=lambda x: x[2])[2], max(points, key=lambda x: x[3])[3] return [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] def get_pairs(json: list, rel_from: str, rel_to: str) -> dict: outputs = {} for pair in json: is_rel = {rel_from: {'status': 0}, rel_to: {'status': 0}} for element in pair: if element['class'] in (rel_from, rel_to): is_rel[element['class']]['status'] = 1 is_rel[element['class']]['value'] = element if all([v['status'] == 1 for _, v in is_rel.items()]): outputs[is_rel[rel_to]['value']['group_id']] = [is_rel[rel_from]['value']['group_id'], is_rel[rel_to]['value']['group_id']] return outputs def get_table_relations(json: list, header_key_pairs: dict, rel_from="key", rel_to="value") -> dict: list_keys = list(header_key_pairs.keys()) relations = {k: [] for k in list_keys} for pair in json: is_rel = {rel_from: {'status': 0}, rel_to: {'status': 0}} for element in pair: if element['class'] == rel_from and element['group_id'] in list_keys: is_rel[rel_from]['status'] = 1 is_rel[rel_from]['value'] = element if element['class'] == rel_to: is_rel[rel_to]['status'] = 1 is_rel[rel_to]['value'] = element if all([v['status'] == 1 for _, v in is_rel.items()]): relations[is_rel[rel_from]['value']['group_id']].append(is_rel[rel_to]['value']['group_id']) return relations def get_key2values_relations(key_value_pairs: dict): triple_linkings = {} for value_group_id, key_value_pair in key_value_pairs.items(): key_group_id = key_value_pair[0] if key_group_id not in list(triple_linkings.keys()): triple_linkings[key_group_id] = [] triple_linkings[key_group_id].append(value_group_id) return triple_linkings def merged_token_to_wordgroup(class_words: list, lwords: list, lbboxes: list, labels: list) -> dict: word_groups = {} id2class = {i: labels[i] for i in range(len(labels))} for class_id, lwgroups_in_class in enumerate(class_words): for ltokens_in_wgroup in lwgroups_in_class: group_id = ltokens_in_wgroup[0] ltokens_to_ltexts = [lwords[token] for token in ltokens_in_wgroup] ltokens_to_lbboxes = [lbboxes[token] for token in ltokens_in_wgroup] # text_string = get_string(ltokens_to_ltexts) # text_string= get_string_by_deduplicate_bbox(ltokens_to_ltexts, ltokens_to_lbboxes) text_string = get_string_with_word2line(ltokens_to_ltexts, ltokens_to_lbboxes) group_bbox = get_wordgroup_bbox(lbboxes, ltokens_in_wgroup) word_groups[group_id] = { 'group_id': group_id, 'text': text_string, 'class': id2class[class_id], 'tokens': ltokens_in_wgroup, 'bbox': group_bbox } return word_groups def verify_linking_id(word_groups: dict, linking_id: int) -> int: if linking_id not in list(word_groups): for wg_id, _word_group in word_groups.items(): if linking_id in _word_group['tokens']: return wg_id return linking_id def matched_wordgroup_relations(word_groups:dict, lrelations: list) -> list: outputs = [] for pair in lrelations: wg_from = verify_linking_id(word_groups, pair[0]) wg_to = verify_linking_id(word_groups, pair[1]) try: outputs.append([word_groups[wg_from], word_groups[wg_to]]) except:'Not valid pair:', wg_from, wg_to) return outputs def get_single_entity(word_groups: dict, lrelations: list) -> list: single_entity = {'title': [], 'key': [], 'value': [], 'header': []} list_linked_ids = [] for pair in lrelations: list_linked_ids.extend(pair) for word_group_id, word_group in word_groups.items(): if word_group_id not in list_linked_ids: single_entity[word_group['class']].append(word_group) return single_entity def export_kvu_outputs(file_path, lwords, lbboxes, class_words, lrelations, labels=['others', 'title', 'key', 'value', 'header']): word_groups = merged_token_to_wordgroup(class_words, lwords, lbboxes, labels) linking_pairs = matched_wordgroup_relations(word_groups, lrelations) header_key = get_pairs(linking_pairs, rel_from='header', rel_to='key') # => {key_group_id: [header_group_id, key_group_id]} header_value = get_pairs(linking_pairs, rel_from='header', rel_to='value') # => {value_group_id: [header_group_id, value_group_id]} key_value = get_pairs(linking_pairs, rel_from='key', rel_to='value') # => {value_group_id: [key_group_id, value_group_id]} single_entity = get_single_entity(word_groups, lrelations) # table_relations = get_table_relations(linking_pairs, header_key) # => {key_group_id: [value_group_id1, value_groupid2, ...]} key2values_relations = get_key2values_relations(key_value) # => {key_group_id: [value_group_id1, value_groupid2, ...]} triplet_pairs = [] single_pairs = [] table = [] #'key2values_relations', key2values_relations) for key_group_id, list_value_group_ids in key2values_relations.items(): if len(list_value_group_ids) == 0: continue elif (len(list_value_group_ids) == 1) and (list_value_group_ids[0] not in list(header_value.keys())) and (key_group_id not in list(header_key.keys())): value_group_id = list_value_group_ids[0] single_pairs.append({word_groups[key_group_id]['text']: { 'text': word_groups[value_group_id]['text'], 'id': value_group_id, 'class': "value", 'bbox': word_groups[value_group_id]['bbox'], 'key_bbox': word_groups[key_group_id]['bbox'] }}) else: item = [] for value_group_id in list_value_group_ids: if value_group_id not in header_value.keys(): header_group_id = -1 # temp header_name_for_value = "non-header" else: header_group_id = header_value[value_group_id][0] header_name_for_value = word_groups[header_group_id]['text'] item.append({ 'text': word_groups[value_group_id]['text'], 'header': header_name_for_value, 'id': value_group_id, "key_id": key_group_id, "header_id": header_group_id, 'class': 'value', 'bbox': word_groups[value_group_id]['bbox'], 'key_bbox': word_groups[key_group_id]['bbox'], 'header_bbox': word_groups[header_group_id]['bbox'] if header_group_id != -1 else [0, 0, 0, 0], }) if key_group_id not in list(header_key.keys()): triplet_pairs.append({ word_groups[key_group_id]['text']: item }) else: header_group_id = header_key[key_group_id][0] header_name_for_key = word_groups[header_group_id]['text'] item.append({ 'text': word_groups[key_group_id]['text'], 'header': header_name_for_key, 'id': key_group_id, "key_id": key_group_id, "header_id": header_group_id, 'class': 'key', 'bbox': word_groups[value_group_id]['bbox'], 'key_bbox': word_groups[key_group_id]['bbox'], 'header_bbox': word_groups[header_group_id]['bbox'], }) table.append({key_group_id: item}) single_entity_dict = {} for class_name, single_items in single_entity.items(): single_entity_dict[class_name] = [] for single_item in single_items: single_entity_dict[class_name].append({ 'text': single_item['text'], 'id': single_item['group_id'], 'class': class_name, 'bbox': single_item['bbox'] }) if len(table) > 0: table = sorted(table, key=lambda x: list(x.keys())[0]) table = [v for item in table for k, v in item.items()] outputs = {} outputs['title'] = single_entity_dict['title'] outputs['key'] = single_entity_dict['key'] outputs['value'] = single_entity_dict['value'] outputs['single'] = sorted(single_pairs, key=lambda x: int(float(list(x.values())[0]['id']))) outputs['triplet'] = triplet_pairs outputs['table'] = table create_dir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), 'kvu_results')) file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), 'kvu_results', os.path.basename(file_path)) write_to_json(file_path, outputs) return outputs def export_kvu_for_all(file_path, lwords, lbboxes, class_words, lrelations, labels=['others', 'title', 'key', 'value', 'header']) -> dict: raw_outputs = export_kvu_outputs( file_path, lwords, lbboxes, class_words, lrelations, labels ) outputs = {} # Title outputs["title"] = ( raw_outputs["title"][0]["text"] if len(raw_outputs["title"]) > 0 else None ) # Pairs of key-value for pair in raw_outputs["single"]: for key, values in pair.items(): # outputs[key] = values["text"] elements = split_key_value_by_colon(key, values["text"]) outputs[elements[0]] = elements[1] # Only key fields for key in raw_outputs["key"]: # outputs[key["text"]] = None elements = split_key_value_by_colon(key["text"], None) outputs[elements[0]] = elements[1] # Triplet data for triplet in raw_outputs["triplet"]: for key, list_value in triplet.items(): outputs[key] = [value["text"] for value in list_value] # Table data table = [] header_list = {cell['header']: cell['header_bbox'] for row in raw_outputs['table'] for cell in row} if header_list: header_list = dict(sorted(header_list.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[1][0])))"Header_list:", header_list.keys()) for row in raw_outputs["table"]: item = {header: None for header in list(header_list.keys())} for cell in row: item[cell["header"]] = cell["text"] table.append(item) outputs["tables"] = [{"headers": list(header_list.keys()), "data": table}] else: outputs["tables"] = [] outputs = normalize_kvu_output(outputs) # write_to_json(file_path, outputs) return outputs def export_kvu_for_manulife( file_path, lwords, lbboxes, class_words, lrelations, labels=["others", "title", "key", "value", "header"], ) -> dict: raw_outputs = export_kvu_outputs( file_path, lwords, lbboxes, class_words, lrelations, labels ) outputs = {} # Title title_list = [] for title in raw_outputs["title"]: is_match, title_name, score, proceessed_text = manulife_standardizer(title["text"], threshold=0.6, type_dict="title") title_list.append({ 'documment_type': title_name if is_match else None, 'content': title['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': title['id'] }) if len(title_list) > 0: selected_element = max(title_list, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score']) outputs["title"] = selected_element['content'].upper() outputs["class_doc"] = selected_element['documment_type'] outputs["Loại chứng từ"] = selected_element['documment_type'] outputs["Tên chứng từ"] = selected_element['content'] else: outputs["title"] = None outputs["class_doc"] = None outputs["Loại chứng từ"] = None outputs["Tên chứng từ"] = None # Pairs of key-value for pair in raw_outputs["single"]: for key, values in pair.items(): # outputs[key] = values["text"] elements = split_key_value_by_colon(key, values["text"]) outputs[elements[0]] = elements[1] # Only key fields for key in raw_outputs["key"]: # outputs[key["text"]] = None elements = split_key_value_by_colon(key["text"], None) outputs[elements[0]] = elements[1] # Triplet data for triplet in raw_outputs["triplet"]: for key, list_value in triplet.items(): outputs[key] = [value["text"] for value in list_value] # Table data table = [] header_list = {cell['header']: cell['header_bbox'] for row in raw_outputs['table'] for cell in row} if header_list: header_list = dict(sorted(header_list.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[1][0]))) #"Header_list:", header_list.keys()) for row in raw_outputs["table"]: item = {header: None for header in list(header_list.keys())} for cell in row: item[cell["header"]] = cell["text"] table.append(item) outputs["tables"] = [{"headers": list(header_list.keys()), "data": table}] else: outputs["tables"] = [] outputs = normalize_kvu_output_for_manulife(outputs) # write_to_json(file_path, outputs) return outputs # For FI-VAT project def get_vat_table_information(outputs): table = [] for single_item in outputs['table']: headers = [item['header'] for sublist in outputs['table'] for item in sublist if 'header' in item] item = {k: [] for k in headers} for cell in single_item: # header_name, score, proceessed_text = vat_standardizer(cell['header'], threshold=0.75, header=True) # if header_name in list(item.keys()): # item[header_name] = value['text'] item[cell['header']].append({ 'content': cell['text'], 'processed_key_name': cell['header'], 'lcs_score': random.uniform(0.75, 1.0), 'token_id': cell['id'] }) # for header_name, value in item.items(): # if len(value) == 0: # if header_name in ("Số lượng", "Doanh số mua chưa có thuế"): # item[header_name] = '0' # else: # item[header_name] = None # continue # item[header_name] = max(value, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score'])['content'] # Get max lsc score # item = post_process_for_item(item) # if item["Mặt hàng"] == None: # continue table.append(item) return table def get_vat_information(outputs): # VAT Information single_pairs = {k: [] for k in list(vat_dictionary(header=False).keys())} for pair in outputs['single']: for raw_key_name, value in pair.items(): key_name, score, proceessed_text = vat_standardizer(raw_key_name, threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{raw_key_name} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs.keys()): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': value['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': value['id'], }) for triplet in outputs['triplet']: for key, value_list in triplet.items(): if len(value_list) == 1: key_name, score, proceessed_text = vat_standardizer(key, threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{raw_key_name} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs.keys()): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': value_list[0]['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': value_list[0]['id'] }) for pair in value_list: key_name, score, proceessed_text = vat_standardizer(pair['header'], threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{raw_key_name} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs.keys()): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': pair['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': pair['id'] }) for table_row in outputs['table']: for pair in table_row: key_name, score, proceessed_text = vat_standardizer(pair['header'], threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{raw_key_name} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs.keys()): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': pair['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': pair['id'] }) return single_pairs def post_process_vat_information(single_pairs): vat_outputs = {k: None for k in list(single_pairs)} for key_name, list_potential_value in single_pairs.items(): if key_name in ("Ngày, tháng, năm lập hóa đơn"): if len(list_potential_value) == 1: vat_outputs[key_name] = list_potential_value[0]['content'] else: date_time = {'day': 'dd', 'month': 'mm', 'year': 'yyyy'} for value in list_potential_value: date_time[value['processed_key_name']] = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", value['content']) vat_outputs[key_name] = f"{date_time['day']}/{date_time['month']}/{date_time['year']}" else: if len(list_potential_value) == 0: continue if key_name in ("Mã số thuế người bán"): selected_value = min(list_potential_value, key=lambda x: x['token_id']) # Get first tax code # tax_code_raw = selected_value['content'].replace(' ', '') tax_code_raw = selected_value['content'] if len(tax_code_raw.replace(' ', '')) not in (10, 13): # to remove the first number dupicated tax_code_raw = tax_code_raw.split(' ') tax_code_raw = sorted(tax_code_raw, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)[0] vat_outputs[key_name] = tax_code_raw.replace(' ', '') else: selected_value = max(list_potential_value, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score']) # Get max lsc score vat_outputs[key_name] = selected_value['content'] return vat_outputs def export_kvu_for_VAT_invoice(file_path, lwords, class_words, lrelations, labels=['others', 'title', 'key', 'value', 'header']): vat_outputs = {} outputs = export_kvu_outputs(file_path, lwords, class_words, lrelations, labels) # List of items in table table = get_vat_table_information(outputs) # table = outputs["table"] for pair in outputs['single']: for raw_key_name, value in pair.items(): vat_outputs[raw_key_name] = value['text'] # VAT Information # single_pairs = get_vat_information(outputs) # vat_outputs = post_process_vat_information(single_pairs) # Combine VAT information and table vat_outputs['table'] = table write_to_json(file_path, vat_outputs) return vat_outputs # For SBT project def get_ap_table_information(outputs): table = [] for single_item in outputs['table']: item = {k: [] for k in list(ap_dictionary(header=True).keys())} for cell in single_item: header_name, score, proceessed_text = ap_standardizer(cell['header'], threshold=0.8, header=True) #"{key} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {header_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if header_name in list(item.keys()): item[header_name].append({ 'content': cell['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': cell['id'] }) for header_name, value in item.items(): if len(value) == 0: item[header_name] = None continue item[header_name] = max(value, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score'])['content'] # Get max lsc score table.append(item) return table def get_ap_triplet_information(outputs): triplet_pairs = [] for single_item in outputs['triplet']: item = {k: [] for k in list(ap_dictionary(header=True).keys())} is_item_valid = 0 for key_name, list_value in single_item.items(): for value in list_value: if value['header'] == "non-header": continue header_name, score, proceessed_text = ap_standardizer(value['header'], threshold=0.8, header=True) if header_name in list(item.keys()): is_item_valid = 1 item[header_name].append({ 'content': value['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': value['id'] }) if is_item_valid == 1: for header_name, value in item.items(): if len(value) == 0: item[header_name] = None continue item[header_name] = max(value, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score'])['content'] # Get max lsc score item['productname'] = key_name # triplet_pairs.append({key_name: new_item}) triplet_pairs.append(item) return triplet_pairs def get_ap_information(outputs): single_pairs = {k: [] for k in list(ap_dictionary(header=False).keys())} for pair in outputs['single']: for raw_key_name, value in pair.items(): key_name, score, proceessed_text = ap_standardizer(raw_key_name, threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{raw_key_name} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {value['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': value['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': value['id'] }) ## Get single_pair if it in a table (Product Information) is_product_info = False for table_row in outputs['table']: pair = {"key": None, 'value': None} for cell in table_row: _, _, proceessed_text = ap_standardizer(cell['header'], threshold=0.8, header=False) if any(txt in proceessed_text for txt in ['product', 'information', 'productinformation']): is_product_info = True if cell['class'] in pair: pair[cell['class']] = cell if all(v is not None for k, v in pair.items()) and is_product_info == True: key_name, score, proceessed_text = ap_standardizer(pair['key']['text'], threshold=0.8, header=False) #"{pair['key']['text']} ==> {proceessed_text} ==> {key_name} : {score} - {pair['value']['text']}") if key_name in list(single_pairs): single_pairs[key_name].append({ 'content': pair['value']['text'], 'processed_key_name': proceessed_text, 'lcs_score': score, 'token_id': pair['value']['id'] }) ## end_block ap_outputs = {k: None for k in list(single_pairs)} for key_name, list_potential_value in single_pairs.items(): if len(list_potential_value) == 0: continue if key_name == "imei_number": #'list_potential_value', list_potential_value) # ap_outputs[key_name] = [v['content'] for v in list_potential_value if v['content'].replace(' ', '').isdigit() and len(v['content'].replace(' ', '')) > 5] ap_outputs[key_name] = [] for v in list_potential_value: imei = v['content'].replace(' ', '') if imei.isdigit() and len(imei) > 5: # imei is number and have more 5 digits ap_outputs[key_name].append(imei) else: selected_value = max(list_potential_value, key=lambda x: x['lcs_score']) # Get max lsc score ap_outputs[key_name] = selected_value['content'] return ap_outputs def export_kvu_for_SDSAP(file_path, lwords, class_words, lrelations, labels=['others', 'title', 'key', 'value', 'header']): outputs = export_kvu_outputs(file_path, lwords, class_words, lrelations, labels) # List of items in table table = get_ap_table_information(outputs) triplet_pairs = get_ap_triplet_information(outputs) table = table + triplet_pairs ap_outputs = get_ap_information(outputs) ap_outputs['table'] = table # ap_outputs['triplet'] = triplet_pairs write_to_json(file_path, ap_outputs) return ap_outputs