# Project AI Backend for Frontend
# 1. Run DB and RabbitMQ (skip ì you already install)
`docker compose -f docker-persistent up --build`
# 2. Migrate Database Schema ( If needed )
1.1 Make migration file `python manage.py makemigrations` 

1.2 Apply to database `python manage.py migrate`

# 3. Run Project

## 2.1 Run with Docker
### 2.1.1 Add file `.env` at same folder level with docker-compose.yml. 
Sample at `env_sample/example_{OS}_env` (Window / Linux)
### 2.1.2 Build & Run Image By Command 
`docker compose up --build`

## 2.2 Local Development Run
### 2.2.1 Add file `.env` at same folder level with docker-compose.yml. 
Sample at `env_sample/example_local_env`
### 2.2.2 Run API 
`python manage.py runserver`
### 2.2.3 Run Worker
`celery -A fwd_api.proj.worker worker -l INFO --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat -Ofair --pool=solo`