diff --git a/cope2n-api/billing_report.xlsx b/cope2n-api/billing_report.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a765347
Binary files /dev/null and b/cope2n-api/billing_report.xlsx differ
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/api/accuracy_view.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/api/accuracy_view.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 9d14f51..1f83e49
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/api/accuracy_view.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/api/accuracy_view.py
@@ -222,7 +222,11 @@ class AccuracyViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
             subsidiary = request.data.get("subsidiary", "all")
             is_daily_report = request.data.get('is_daily_report', False)
             report_overview_duration = request.data.get("report_overview_duration", "")
+            report_type = request.data.get("report_type", "accuracy")
             subsidiary = map_subsidiary_long_to_short(subsidiary)
+            if report_type=="billing" and subsidiary.lower().replace(" ", "") not in settings.SUB_FOR_BILLING:
+                raise InvalidException(excArgs="Subsidiary for billing report")
             if is_daily_report:
                 if report_overview_duration not in settings.OVERVIEW_REPORT_DURATION:
@@ -258,11 +262,9 @@ class AccuracyViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
                             "include_test": include_test,
                             "subsidiary": subsidiary,
                             "is_daily_report": is_daily_report,
-                            "report_overview_duration": report_overview_duration
+                            "report_overview_duration": report_overview_duration,
+                            "report_type": report_type,
-            # if is_daily_report:
-            #     if (end_date-start_date) > timezone.timedelta(days=1):
-            #         raise InvalidException(excArgs="Date range")
             report_id = "report" + "_" + timezone.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z") + "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex
             new_report: Report = Report(
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/celery_worker/process_report_tasks.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/celery_worker/process_report_tasks.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index aeab9b1..80763f1
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/celery_worker/process_report_tasks.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/celery_worker/process_report_tasks.py
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import traceback
 from fwd_api.models import SubscriptionRequest, Report, ReportFile
 from fwd_api.celery_worker.worker import app
 from ..utils import s3 as S3Util
-from ..utils.accuracy import update_temp_accuracy, IterAvg, calculate_and_save_subcription_file, count_transactions, extract_report_detail_list, calculate_a_request, ReportAccumulateByRequest
+from ..utils.accuracy import (update_temp_accuracy, IterAvg, calculate_and_save_subcription_file,
+                              count_transactions, extract_report_detail_list, calculate_a_request,
+                              ReportAccumulateByRequest, create_billing_data)
 from ..utils.file import dict2xlsx, save_workbook_file, save_report_to_S3, save_images_to_csv_briefly
 from ..utils import time_stuff
 from ..utils.redis import RedisUtils
@@ -162,31 +164,40 @@ def make_a_report(report_id, query_set):
 def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
+    report_type = query_set.pop("report_type", "accuracy")
+    if report_type == "accuracy":
+        create_accuracy_report(report_id=report_id, **query_set)
+    elif "billing":
+        create_billing_report(report_id=report_id, **query_set)
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Invalid report type")
+def create_accuracy_report(report_id, **kwargs):
-        start_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(query_set["start_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
-        end_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(query_set["end_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
+        start_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(kwargs["start_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
+        end_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(kwargs["end_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
         base_query = Q(created_at__range=(start_date, end_date))
-        if query_set["request_id"]:  
-            base_query &= Q(request_id=query_set["request_id"])
-        if query_set["redemption_id"]:  
-            base_query &= Q(redemption_id=query_set["redemption_id"])
+        if kwargs["request_id"]:
+            base_query &= Q(request_id=kwargs["request_id"])
+        if kwargs["redemption_id"]:
+            base_query &= Q(redemption_id=kwargs["redemption_id"])
         base_query &= Q(is_test_request=False)
-        if isinstance(query_set["include_test"], str):
-            query_set["include_test"] = True if query_set["include_test"].lower() in ["true", "yes", "1"] else False
-            if query_set["include_test"]:
+        if isinstance(kwargs["include_test"], str):
+            include_test = True if kwargs["include_test"].lower() in ["true", "yes", "1"] else False
+            if include_test:
                 # base_query = ~base_query
                 base_query.children = base_query.children[:-1]
-        elif isinstance(query_set["include_test"], bool):
-            if query_set["include_test"]:
+        elif isinstance(kwargs["include_test"], bool):
+            if kwargs["include_test"]:
                 base_query = ~base_query
-        if isinstance(query_set["subsidiary"], str):
-            if query_set["subsidiary"] and query_set["subsidiary"].lower().replace(" ", "") not in settings.SUB_FOR_BILLING:
-                base_query &= Q(redemption_id__startswith=query_set["subsidiary"])
-        if isinstance(query_set["is_reviewed"], str):
-            if query_set["is_reviewed"] == "reviewed":
+        if isinstance(kwargs["subsidiary"], str):
+            if kwargs["subsidiary"] and kwargs["subsidiary"].lower().replace(" ", "") not in settings.SUB_FOR_BILLING:
+                base_query &= Q(redemption_id__startswith=kwargs["subsidiary"])
+        if isinstance(kwargs["is_reviewed"], str):
+            if kwargs["is_reviewed"] == "reviewed":
                 base_query &= Q(is_reviewed=True)
-            elif query_set["is_reviewed"] == "not reviewed":
+            elif kwargs["is_reviewed"] == "not reviewed":
                 base_query &= Q(is_reviewed=False)
         errors = []
@@ -213,8 +224,7 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
         # TODO: Multithreading
         # Calculate accuracy, processing time, ....Then save.
         subscription_requests = SubscriptionRequest.objects.filter(base_query).order_by('created_at')
-        report: Report = \
-            Report.objects.filter(report_id=report_id).first()
+        report: Report = Report.objects.filter(report_id=report_id).first()
         # TODO: number of transaction by doc type
         num_request = 0
         report_files = []
@@ -226,14 +236,14 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
             request_att, _report_files = calculate_a_request(report, request)
             report_files += _report_files
             report_engine.add(request, _report_files)
-            request.feedback_accuracy = {"imei_number" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("imei_number", [None])),
-                                            "purchase_date" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("purchase_date", [None])),
-                                            "retailername" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("retailername", [None])),
-                                            "sold_to_party" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("sold_to_party", [None]))}
-            request.reviewed_accuracy = {"imei_number" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("imei_number", [None])),
-                                            "purchase_date" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("purchase_date", [None])),
-                                            "retailername" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("retailername", [None])),
-                                            "sold_to_party" : mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("sold_to_party", [None]))}
+            request.feedback_accuracy = {"imei_number": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("imei_number", [None])),
+                                         "purchase_date": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("purchase_date", [None])),
+                                         "retailername": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("retailername", [None])),
+                                         "sold_to_party": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["feedback"].get("sold_to_party", [None]))}
+            request.reviewed_accuracy = {"imei_number": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("imei_number", [None])),
+                                         "purchase_date": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("purchase_date", [None])),
+                                         "retailername": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("retailername", [None])),
+                                         "sold_to_party": mean_list(request_att["acc"]["reviewed"].get("sold_to_party", [None]))}
             number_images += request_att["total_images"]
             number_bad_images += request_att["bad_images"]
@@ -249,7 +259,7 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
             num_request += 1
             review_progress += request_att.get("is_reviewed", [])
-        report_fine_data, _save_data = report_engine.save(report.report_id, query_set.get("is_daily_report", False), query_set["include_test"])
+        report_fine_data, _save_data = report_engine.save(report.report_id, kwargs.get("is_daily_report", False), kwargs["include_test"])
         transaction_att = count_transactions(start_date, end_date, report.subsidiary)
         # Do saving process
         report.number_request = num_request
@@ -260,27 +270,27 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
         # FIXME: refactor this data stream for endurability
         report.average_OCR_time = {"invoice": time_cost["invoice"](), "imei": time_cost["imei"](),
                                    "invoice_count": time_cost["invoice"].count, "imei_count": time_cost["imei"].count}
-        report.average_OCR_time["avg"] = (report.average_OCR_time["invoice"]*report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["imei"]*report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"])/(report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"]) if (report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"]) > 0 else None
+        report.average_OCR_time["avg"] = (report.average_OCR_time["invoice"]*report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["imei"]*report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"])/(
+            report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"]) if (report.average_OCR_time["imei_count"] + report.average_OCR_time["invoice_count"]) > 0 else None
         report.number_imei_transaction = transaction_att.get("imei", 0)
         report.number_invoice_transaction = transaction_att.get("invoice", 0)
         acumulated_acc = {"feedback": {},
-                            "reviewed": {},
-                            "acumulated": {}}
+                          "reviewed": {},
+                          "acumulated": {}}
         for acc_type in ["feedback", "reviewed", "acumulated"]:
             avg_acc = IterAvg()
             for key in ["imei_number", "purchase_date", "retailername", "sold_to_party"]:
                 acumulated_acc[acc_type][key] = accuracy[acc_type][key]()
-                acumulated_acc[acc_type][key+"_count"] = accuracy[acc_type][key].count
+                acumulated_acc[acc_type][key + "_count"] = accuracy[acc_type][key].count
                 avg_acc.add_avg(acumulated_acc[acc_type][key], acumulated_acc[acc_type][key+"_count"])
             acumulated_acc[acc_type]["avg"] = avg_acc()
         report.feedback_accuracy = acumulated_acc["feedback"]
         report.reviewed_accuracy = acumulated_acc["reviewed"]
         report.combined_accuracy = acumulated_acc["acumulated"]
         report.num_reviewed = review_progress.count(1)
         report.num_not_reviewed = review_progress.count(0)
         report.num_no_reviewed = review_progress.count(-1)
@@ -294,8 +304,8 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
         data = extract_report_detail_list(report_files, lower=True)
         data_workbook = dict2xlsx(data, _type='report_detail')
         local_workbook = save_workbook_file(report.report_id + ".xlsx", report, data_workbook)
-        s3_key=save_report_to_S3(report.report_id, local_workbook, 5)
-        if query_set["is_daily_report"]:
+        s3_key = save_report_to_S3(report.report_id, local_workbook, 5)
+        if kwargs["is_daily_report"]:
             # Save overview dashboard
             # multiple accuracy by 100
             save_data = copy.deepcopy(_save_data)
@@ -313,10 +323,9 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
                         for x_key in report_fine_data[i][key].keys():
                             report_fine_data[i][key][x_key] = report_fine_data[i][key][x_key]*100
             data_workbook = dict2xlsx(report_fine_data, _type='report')
-            overview_filename = query_set["subsidiary"] + "_" + query_set["report_overview_duration"] + ".xlsx"
+            overview_filename = kwargs["subsidiary"] + "_" + kwargs["report_overview_duration"] + ".xlsx"
             local_workbook = save_workbook_file(overview_filename, report, data_workbook, settings.OVERVIEW_REPORT_ROOT)
-            s3_key=save_report_to_S3(report.report_id, local_workbook)
-            # redis_client.set_cache(settings.OVERVIEW_REPORT_ROOT, overview_filename.replace(".xlsx", ""), json.dumps(save_data)) 
+            s3_key = save_report_to_S3(report.report_id, local_workbook)
             set_cache(overview_filename.replace(".xlsx", ""), save_data)
     except IndexError as e:
@@ -327,3 +336,34 @@ def make_a_report_2(report_id, query_set):
         print("[ERROR]: an error occured while processing report: ", report_id)
         return 400
+def create_billing_report(report_id, **kwargs):
+    try:
+        start_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(
+            kwargs["start_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
+        end_date = timezone.datetime.strptime(
+            kwargs["end_date_str"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
+        base_query = Q(created_at__range=(start_date, end_date))
+        base_query &= Q(is_test_request=False)
+        subscription_requests = SubscriptionRequest.objects.filter(
+            base_query).order_by('created_at')
+        report: Report = Report.objects.filter(report_id=report_id).first()
+        billing_data = create_billing_data(subscription_requests)
+        report.number_request = len(subscription_requests)
+        report.number_images = len(billing_data)
+        report.status = "Ready"
+        report.save()
+        data_workbook = dict2xlsx(billing_data, _type='billing_report')
+        local_workbook = save_workbook_file(
+            report.report_id + ".xlsx", report, data_workbook)
+        s3_key = save_report_to_S3(report.report_id, local_workbook)
+    except IndexError as e:
+        print(e)
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        print("NotFound request by report id, %d", report_id)
+    except Exception as e:
+        print("[ERROR]: an error occured while processing report: ", report_id)
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        return 400
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/migrations/0185_report_report_type.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/migrations/0185_report_report_type.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c28a1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/migrations/0185_report_report_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.1.3 on 2024-03-06 06:57
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('fwd_api', '0184_caching'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='report',
+            name='report_type',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('BILLING', 'billing'), ('ACCURACY', 'accuracy')], default='accuracy', max_length=10),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/models/Report.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/models/Report.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 22df35a..ebfb393
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/models/Report.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/models/Report.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from django.db import models
 from django.utils import timezone
 from fwd_api.models.Subscription import Subscription
 class Report(models.Model):
     # Metadata
     id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
@@ -42,4 +43,6 @@ class Report(models.Model):
     feedback_accuracy = models.JSONField(null=True)
     reviewed_accuracy = models.JSONField(null=True)
-    combined_accuracy = models.JSONField(null=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+    combined_accuracy = models.JSONField(null=True)
+    report_type = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=[
+                                   ("BILLING", "billing"), ("ACCURACY", "accuracy")], default="accuracy")
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/request/ReportCreationSerializer.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/request/ReportCreationSerializer.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index fac7c8a..a2d0110
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/request/ReportCreationSerializer.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/request/ReportCreationSerializer.py
@@ -36,4 +36,9 @@ class ReportCreationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
     report_overview_duration = serializers.CharField(
         help_text=f'open of {settings.OVERVIEW_REPORT_DURATION}',
+    )
+    report_type = serializers.ChoiceField(
+        help_text='What type of report to create',
+        choices=['billing', 'accuracy'],
+        default="accuracy"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/accuracy.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/accuracy.py
index 5651de3..12a37a9 100644
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/accuracy.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/accuracy.py
@@ -797,6 +797,53 @@ def acc_maximize_list_values(acc):
             pos[k] = acc[k].index(acc[k][0])
     return acc, pos
+def create_billing_data(subscription_requests):
+    billing_data = []
+    for request in subscription_requests:
+        if request.status != 200:
+            continue
+        images = SubscriptionRequestFile.objects.filter(request=request, file_category=FileCategory.Origin.value)
+        for image in images:
+            if not image.doc_type:
+                _doc_type = image.file_name.split("_")[1]
+                if _doc_type in ["imei", "invoice"]:
+                    image.doc_type = _doc_type
+                    image.save()
+            else:
+                _doc_type = image.doc_type
+            doc_type = "SN/IMEI" if _doc_type == "imei" else "Invoice"
+            _sub = ""
+            redemption_id = ""
+            if request.redemption_id:
+                _sub = map_subsidiary_short_to_long(request.redemption_id[:2])
+                redemption_id = request.redemption_id
+            format_to_time = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'
+            format_to_date = '%m/%d/%Y'
+            format_to_month = '%B %Y'
+            rq_created_at = request.created_at
+            print(type(redemption_id))
+            rq_created_at = timezone.make_aware(rq_created_at)
+            print(rq_created_at)
+            rq_month = rq_created_at.strftime(format_to_month)
+            rq_date = rq_created_at.strftime(format_to_date)
+            rq_time = rq_created_at.strftime(format_to_time)
+            billing_data.append({
+                "request_month": rq_month,
+                "subsidiary": _sub,
+                "image_type": doc_type,
+                "redemption_number": redemption_id,
+                "request_id": request.request_id,
+                "request_date": rq_date,
+                "request_time_(utc)": rq_time
+            })
+    return billing_data
 def calculate_a_request(report, request):
     request_att = {"acc": {"feedback": {"imei_number": [],
                                         "purchase_date": [],
diff --git a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/file.py b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/file.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index aceccdc..71b175a
--- a/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/file.py
+++ b/cope2n-api/fwd_api/utils/file.py
@@ -521,37 +521,58 @@ def dict2xlsx(input: json, _type='report'):
         start_index = 4
+    elif _type == 'billing_report':
+        wb = load_workbook(filename = 'billing_report.xlsx')
+        ws = wb['Sheet1']
+        mapping = {
+            'B': 'request_month',
+            'C': 'subsidiary',
+            'D': 'image_type',
+            'E': 'redemption_number',
+            'F': 'request_id',
+            'G': "request_date",
+            'H': "request_time_(utc)"
+        }
+        start_index = 4
     for subtotal in input:
         for key in mapping.keys():
-            value = get_value(subtotal, mapping[key])
-            ws[key + str(start_index)] = value
-            if key in ['C', 'D', 'E'] and value == 0:
-                ws[key + str(start_index)] = "-"
-            ws[key + str(start_index)].border = border
-            ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_black
-            if 'accuracy' in mapping[key] or 'time' in mapping[key] or 'percent' in mapping[key] or 'speed' in mapping[key] or mapping[key] in ["review_progress"]:
-                ws[key + str(start_index)].number_format  = '0.0'
+            if _type!="billing_report":
+                value = get_value(subtotal, mapping[key])
+                ws[key + str(start_index)] = value
+                if key in ['C', 'D', 'E'] and value == 0:
+                    ws[key + str(start_index)] = "-"
+                ws[key + str(start_index)].border = border
+                ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_black
+                if 'accuracy' in mapping[key] or 'time' in mapping[key] or 'percent' in mapping[key] or 'speed' in mapping[key] or mapping[key] in ["review_progress"]:
+                    ws[key + str(start_index)].number_format  = '0.0'
-            if _type == 'report':
-                if subtotal['subs'] == '+':
-                    ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_black_bold
-                    if key in ['A', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R']:
-                        ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_gray
-                    elif key == 'B':
-                        ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_green
-                    elif key in ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']:
-                        ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_yellow
-                if 'average_accuracy_rate' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value < 98:
+                if _type == 'report':
+                    if subtotal['subs'] == '+':
+                        ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_black_bold
+                        if key in ['A', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R']:
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_gray
+                        elif key == 'B':
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_green
+                        elif key in ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']:
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].fill = fill_yellow
+                    if 'average_accuracy_rate' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value < 98:
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
+                    elif 'average_processing_time' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 2.0:
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
+                    elif 'bad_percent' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 10:
+                            ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
+                elif _type == 'report_detail':
+                    if 'accuracy' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value < 75:
                         ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
-                elif 'average_processing_time' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 2.0:
+                    elif 'speed' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 2.0:
                         ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
-                elif 'bad_percent' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 10:
-                        ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
-            elif _type == 'report_detail':
-                if 'accuracy' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value < 75:
-                    ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
-                elif 'speed' in mapping[key] and type(value) in [int, float] and value > 2.0:
-                    ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_red
+            else:
+                value = get_value(subtotal, mapping[key])
+                value = "-" if value=="" else value
+                ws[key + str(start_index)] = value
+                ws[key + str(start_index)].border = border
+                ws[key + str(start_index)].font = font_black
         start_index += 1